email : ifrah@arch.ethz.ch
Yael is a senior researcher and coordinator at the team Digital Building Technologies (dbt), Department of Architecture, ETH Zurich.
From her degree in architecture from University of California, Berkeley, she moved on to go onto fashion and retail architecture design. She has worked on prestigious international retail projects. The La Samaritaine and Eiffel Tower retail shops redesign in Paris, or a mix retail-hospitality in the heart in San Paolo to name a few. Each project has been an exceptional chance to accompany design visionaries in bringing their visions to reality.
She received a master of advanced studies MAS in computer aided architectural design CAAD at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.
She joins the Digital Building Technologies DBT group where is a senior researcher and coordinator of the MAS.
Her research interests are ephemeral architectures. The potential cross of technologies from textile and fashion design and fabrication into the field architecture.