HiRes Slab – Planșeu din beton de înaltă rezoluție
Igloo, 19 April 2023, “HiRes Slab – Planșeu din beton de înaltă rezoluție”. Article by Andrei Jipa Archived 31 May 2023

Digital gefertigte Betontreppe
Swiss Engineering STZ, nr. 05, May 2023, Bau & Architektur Special. “Digital gefertigte Betontreppe”. Article by Loris Pandiani Text available on the Empa website (archived 31 May 2023). www.swissengineering-stz.ch

Can concrete be eco-friendly?
Architektura-Murator, Vol. 331, April 2022, “Czy beton może być eko?” Article by Magda Pios, Wiktor Kowalski, https://miesiecznik.architektura.muratorplus.pl/wydanie/is-Ew4C-DaKG-vW94/czy-beton-moze-byc-eko-aa-RVPr-8N1X-ZqUv.html?utm_campaign=wc&utm_content=sg

On form – recycled mineral foam in concrete casting
Clay Technology, March 2022. “On form – recycled mineral foam in concrete casting” Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining Magazine, Number 184

Neue «HiLo»-Unit am Nest eröffnet: Leichtbau und moderne Technik
Baublatt, 6 October 2021. Neue «HiLo»-Unit am Nest eröffnet: Leichtbau und moderne Technik. Article by Pascale Boschung.

HiLo NEST Research Building Takes Shape in Switzerland
Archdaily, 7 October 2021. HiLo NEST Research Building Takes Shape in Switzerland. Article by Eric Baldwin.

NEST HiLo, Exploring Futuristic Construction Methods, Opened In Duebendorf, Switzerland
World Architecture, 11 October 2021. NEST HiLo, Exploring Futuristic Construction Methods, Opened In Duebendorf, Switzerland. Article by WA Contents.

Get High, Get Low: The HiLo module at Zurich’s NEST pairs ancient building concepts with futuristic construction
The Architect’s Newspaper, 18 October 2021. Get High, Get Low: The HiLo module at Zurich’s NEST pairs ancient building concepts with futuristic construction Article by Matt Hickman

DFAB HOUSE : Geçmişin Dijital Yorumu ile Geleceğe Bakış
Arredamento Mimarlık 29TL November-December 2021, “DFAB HOUSE : Geçmişin Dijital Yorumu ile Geleceğe Bakış”, p. 38–43. Eds. Banu Binat, Sibel Senyücel. Article by Z. Canan Girgin. ISSN 2536-4952

Zurich university uses 3D printed foam as concrete replacement
Global Construction Review

ETH Zurich cuts concrete usage by 70% using foam 3D printing technology
3D Printing Industry

Foam 3D printing technique could minimize concrete is used in construction
Mashable – Future Blink

Concrete Choreography
“Concrete Choreography” in Innovationsinkubator Industriebau ( Industrial Building as Innovation Incubator ): Praxisreport 2019. Eds. Christoph M. Achammer / Iva Kovacic (Hg.). Article by Ana Anton and Angela Yoo. pp. 203 – 10.

Leichtbaudecke “digital betoniert”
Haustech, Magazin für vernetztes Bauen, January-February 2020, Digitales Bauen Dossier, pp. 28-31. Article by Rudolf Bolliger. www.gebäudetechnik.ch

Concrete Choreography: 3D Printing Concrete Columns
Drymix Mortar Yearbook: 3D Special, Editor: Ferdinand Leopolder, “ScalingUp 3D”, p.8-13, October 2019; ISBN: 978-3-9821114-0-7 ; article by Ana Anton.

Concrete Choreography
opusC, no. 89/2919, “Architektur & Design mit Beton”, p. 4-6, article by Juergen Glaesle

Dfab House
ARCH+, no. 236/2019, “Programmierte Architektur”, p. 168-175, article by Dorothee Hahn & Christine Rüb

Concrete Choreography
Hochparterre, Oct 2019, “Zu viel ist niemals genug”, p. 22-29, article by Oliver Domeisen

Planşee catenare integrate
Igloo, no. 191/2019, “Materiale şi fabricare digitale”, p.150-154, August – September 2019; article by Andrei Jipa

Beton Digital
Igloo, no. 191/2019, “Materiale şi fabricare digitale”, p.142-145, August – September 2019; article by Ana Anton, Mariana Popescu and Andrei Jipa

Dfab House
Igloo, no. 190/2019, “Holiday Architecture”, p.54-56, June – July 2019; article by Andrei Jipa

Concrete Choreography
Igloo, no. 191/2019, “Materiale şi fabricare digitale”, p.146-149, August – September 2019; article by Ana Anton
Kultur soll ein Bergdorf retten
Concrete Choreography at Kulturplatz

Smart Slab
“Smart Slab”, Pasajes Arquitectura – diseño e innovación, #148 / April 2019, p. 48-49, article by María Castrillón Ramírez

3D Printed Formwork for Optimized Concrete Slab
“3D Printed Formwork for Optimized Concrete Slab”, Concrete Plant International – Greatness comes in all Shapes and Sizes, #1 / February 2019, p. 146-151, article by Benjamin Dillenburger

Gedruckte Architektur / Printed Architecture
“Gedruckte Architektur / Printed Architecture”, Detail (Zeitschrift fuer Architektur + Baudetail / Review of Architecture + Construction Details) – Materialaesthetik / Material Aesthetics, 1/2.2019, p. 84-91, article by Jakob Schoof

Wo Struktur und Ornamentik verschmelzen
“Wo Struktur und Ornamentik verschmelzen”, opusC, 4/2018, p. 4-6, article by Isabelle Herold

Wo struktur und ornamentik verschmelzen
“Wo struktur und ornamentik verschmelzen”, der Bauingenieur, p. 60-64, article by Isabelle Herold

Wie gerechnet, so ausgedruckt
201801″Wie gerechnet, so ausgedruckt”, die Baustellen no.7-8 / 2018, p. 51-52, September 2018, article by Isabelle Herold

The Smart Slab
Igloo, no. 186/2018, “Marca K”, p.62-64, October – November 2018; article by Andrei Jipa

Skelethon. Canoa de hormigon a traves de tecnicas de impresion 3D
Pasajes arquitectura diseño e inovación, no. 147/2018, “Skelethon. Canoa de hormigon a traves de tecnicas de impresion 3D”, p. 58-59, Reverse Arquitectura, Madrid, October 2018, edited by José Ballesteros.

3D Printing Becomes Concrete: Exploring the Structural Potential of Concrete 3D Printing
The Structural Engineer, October 2017, p. 10-17, article by Victoria Richardson

Schwimmender Beton
Design Report, Magazin fur Form und Funktion, Sinn und Wert, no. 5/2017, ” Zukunft gestalten: Neue Geschäftsmodelle für Designer”, p. 58, Rat für Formgebung / German Design Council, Hannover/Langenhagen, May 2017, article by Martin Krautter

3D Printed Reinforced Beam at Material Xperience 2018!

Igloo, no. 181/2017, “New Materials, New Architectures”, p.129-134, December 2017 – January 2018; article by Ioana Iancu
Interview Korean newspaper etoday: Architect Hyunchul Kwon participated in Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism… “There will be an era of fabricating buildings with 3D printers.”
etoday, 13 September 2017 – “Architect Hyunchul Kwon participated in Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism… “There will be an era of fabricating buildings with 3D printers.””, article by Jung Woong Kim
Interview Korean newspaper edaily: ‘Combine 3D printing and Art’ .. ‘New Architectural Paradigm’ Architect Hyunchul Kwon
edaily, 11 September 2017 – “‘Combine 3D printing and Art’ .. ‘New Architectural Paradigm’ Architect Hyunchul Kwon”, article by Jun-ki Lee
Interview Korean newspaper The Asia Economy Daily: Seoul Biennale, architect Hyunchul Kwon, “New Construction History”
The Asia Economy Daily, 6 September 2017 – “Seoul Biennale, architect Hyunchul Kwon, “New Construction History””, article by Kyung-hwan Bae
Korean newspaper Moneytoday: Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism opens until 5th Nov., exhibiting ‘Electrical Skin’ by architect Hyunchul Kwon
Moneytoday, 4 September 2017 – “Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2017 opens until 5th Nov., exhibiting ‘Electrical Skin’ by Architect Hyunchul Kwon”, article by Sungmin Bae
Interview Korean broadcasting MTN: Electrical Skin at 2017 Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism
Money Today Network, Economy Magazine, People M, 15 September 2017 – “Electrical Skin at 2017 Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism”, produced by Seong-Un Kim
ETH Zurich team creates all-concrete SkelETHon canoe built on slender bones“,
dezeen, 27 June 2017 – “ETH Zurich team creates all-concrete SkelETHon canoe built on slender bones“, article by Emma Tucker
skelETHon 3D printed concrete canoe wins first prize at 16th concrete canoe regatta in Germany
DesignBoom, 19 June 2017 – “skelETHon 3D printed concrete canoe wins first prize at 16th concrete canoe regatta in Germany”, article by Martin Hislop
Korean newspaper MTN: “Check a 3D-printed Architecture”… ‘2017 Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism’
Money Today Network, 31 August 2017 – “”Check a 3D-printed Architecture”… ‘2017 Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism’”, article by Minhye Kang
Korean newspaper Dailian: Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism opens on 2nd… Hyunchul Kwon’s ‘Electrical Skin’
Dailian, 31 August 2017 – “Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism opens on 2nd… Hyunchul Kwon’s ‘Electric Skin’”, article by Myungsin Kim
Korean newspaper The JoongAng Ilbo: ‘2017 Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism’ opens next month… Notable exhibits?
The JoongAng Ilbo, 31 August 2017 – “‘2017 Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism’ opens next month… Notable exhibits?”, article by Hyesun Chae
3D printing becomes concrete: exploring the structural potential of concrete 3D printing
The Structural Engineer, article by Victoria Richardson MEng Click to access Pai-Lin-Li-Award.pdf
Drucken in der dritten Dimension, Interview mit Johannes Herold und Nina Egger
TEC21 Nr. 47 / 2016 Drucken in der dritten Dimension, Interview mit Johannes Herold und Nina Egger
Interview mit Sarah Schlagenhauf
Interview Tagesanzeiger, Zukunft der Schweizer Bauwirtschaft, Interview mit Sarah Schlagenhauf
Interview mit Gudrun Sachse
NZZ Folio, Interview mit Gudrun Sachse

A glimpse into the future: 3D Printing for structural components
Architektur Aktuell, The Art of Building, no. 444, March 2017 “Splendid Isolation #11”, p. 24-26, article by Andrei Gheorghe
WIRED Japan, Vol. 24
WIRED Japan, Vol. 24, 2016
Dubbed SkelETHon la canoa di ETH che vince la 26 edizione del ° Concrete Canoe Regatta di Colonia
Dubbed SkelETHon la canoa di ETH che vince la 26 edizione del ° Concrete Canoe Regatta di Colonia

A new age of architecture
Digital Building Technologies takes part in the CNN feature Make, Create, Innovate – A new age of architecture. Link