Adam is a research assistant at Hybrid Reality Research, under the Chair for Digital Building Technologies, at the Institute of Technology in Architecture, Department of Architecture, ETH Zurich.
He studied architecture in Warsaw (TU Warsaw, Bachelor’s degree), Tampere (TU Tampere), and Zurich (ETH Zurich, Master’s degree). From 2017 to 2023, he worked at the Chair of Architecture and Art under Professor Karin Sander, focusing on 3D scanning, 3D modelling, and immersive design in virtual and augmented reality. Since 2019, he has supervised elective courses such as “360° Reality to Virtuality” and “3D Scanning and Freeform Modelling”. He has been involved in numerous art exhibitions including “What You See Is Not What You Get” at Galerie Esther Schipper in Berlin, “Skulptur/Sculpture/Scultura” at the Museum of Modern Art Museion in Bolzano, and “Karin Sander” at Kunstmuseum Winterthur. From 2020 to 2023, he worked as an architect at Burkard Meyer Architekten, where he developed virtual reality workflows for architectural design. In 2022, together with Adi Grüninger, he established the research group Hybrid Reality Research, concentrating on the digitalization of design processes and novel forms of visual communication like mixed reality. In August 2023, he joined Professor Dillenburger’s Chair for Digital Building Technologies, where he continues to teach elective courses and conduct research in hybrid reality.