High-performance building elements are often complex multi-material assemblies that are difficult to manufacture and recycle. However, the novel field of foam 3D printing (F3DP) in construction allows to combine the advantages of differentiated material properties with the simplicity of monolithic building systems. This research investigates applications for innovative architectural elements that are lightweight, thermo-structural efficient, and exploring new material expressions for a future sustainable building culture.
Within the framework of an Innosuisse collaboration (Grant number 41905.1 IP-EE), innovative mineral foams made from industrial waste by ETH spinoff FenX AG are used and developed for F3DP . Different robotic printing systems and computational toolpath strategies are evaluated. The resulting prototypes demonstrate the potential of F3DP in various scales and combinations with other conventional construction materials. This research is supported by the ETH Research Commission (Grant number ETH-01 19-2) and the NCCR Digital Fabrication (Grant number 51NF40-141853).