Digital gefertigte Betontreppe
Swiss Engineering STZ, nr. 05, May 2023, Bau & Architektur Special. “Digital gefertigte Betontreppe”. Article by Loris Pandiani Text available on the Empa website (archived 31 May 2023).
digital building technologies
Swiss Engineering STZ, nr. 05, May 2023, Bau & Architektur Special. “Digital gefertigte Betontreppe”. Article by Loris Pandiani Text available on the Empa website (archived 31 May 2023).
Architektura-Murator, Vol. 331, April 2022, “Czy beton może być eko?” Article by Magda Pios, Wiktor Kowalski,
Clay Technology, March 2022. “On form – recycled mineral foam in concrete casting” Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining Magazine, Number 184
Arredamento Mimarlık 29TL November-December 2021, “DFAB HOUSE : Geçmişin Dijital Yorumu ile Geleceğe Bakış”, p. 38–43. Eds. Banu Binat, Sibel Senyücel. Article by Z. Canan Girgin. ISSN 2536-4952
“Concrete Choreography” in Innovationsinkubator Industriebau ( Industrial Building as Innovation Incubator ): Praxisreport 2019. Eds. Christoph M. Achammer / Iva Kovacic (Hg.). Article by Ana Anton and Angela Yoo. pp. 203 – 10.
Haustech, Magazin für vernetztes Bauen, January-February 2020, Digitales Bauen Dossier, pp. 28-31. Article by Rudolf Bolliger. www.gebä
Drymix Mortar Yearbook: 3D Special, Editor: Ferdinand Leopolder, “ScalingUp 3D”, p.8-13, October 2019; ISBN: 978-3-9821114-0-7 ; article by Ana Anton.
opusC, no. 89/2919, “Architektur & Design mit Beton”, p. 4-6, article by Juergen Glaesle
ARCH+, no. 236/2019, “Programmierte Architektur”, p. 168-175, article by Dorothee Hahn & Christine Rüb
Hochparterre, Oct 2019, “Zu viel ist niemals genug”, p. 22-29, article by Oliver Domeisen
Igloo, no. 191/2019, “Materiale şi fabricare digitale”, p.150-154, August – September 2019; article by Andrei Jipa
Igloo, no. 191/2019, “Materiale şi fabricare digitale”, p.142-145, August – September 2019; article by Ana Anton, Mariana Popescu and Andrei Jipa
Igloo, no. 190/2019, “Holiday Architecture”, p.54-56, June – July 2019; article by Andrei Jipa
Igloo, no. 191/2019, “Materiale şi fabricare digitale”, p.146-149, August – September 2019; article by Ana Anton
“Smart Slab”, Pasajes Arquitectura – diseño e innovación, #148 / April 2019, p. 48-49, article by María Castrillón Ramírez
“3D Printed Formwork for Optimized Concrete Slab”, Concrete Plant International – Greatness comes in all Shapes and Sizes, #1 / February 2019, p. 146-151, article by Benjamin Dillenburger
“Gedruckte Architektur / Printed Architecture”, Detail (Zeitschrift fuer Architektur + Baudetail / Review of Architecture + Construction Details) – Materialaesthetik / Material Aesthetics, 1/2.2019, p. 84-91, article by Jakob Schoof
“Wo Struktur und Ornamentik verschmelzen”, opusC, 4/2018, p. 4-6, article by Isabelle Herold
“Wo struktur und ornamentik verschmelzen”, der Bauingenieur, p. 60-64, article by Isabelle Herold
201801″Wie gerechnet, so ausgedruckt”, die Baustellen no.7-8 / 2018, p. 51-52, September 2018, article by Isabelle Herold
Igloo, no. 186/2018, “Marca K”, p.62-64, October – November 2018; article by Andrei Jipa
Pasajes arquitectura diseño e inovación, no. 147/2018, “Skelethon. Canoa de hormigon a traves de tecnicas de impresion 3D”, p. 58-59, Reverse Arquitectura, Madrid, October 2018, edited by José Ballesteros.
The Structural Engineer, October 2017, p. 10-17, article by Victoria Richardson
Design Report, Magazin fur Form und Funktion, Sinn und Wert, no. 5/2017, ” Zukunft gestalten: Neue Geschäftsmodelle für Designer”, p. 58, Rat für Formgebung / German Design Council, Hannover/Langenhagen, May 2017, article by Martin Krautter
Igloo, no. 181/2017, “New Materials, New Architectures”, p.129-134, December 2017 – January 2018; article by Ioana Iancu
The Structural Engineer, article by Victoria Richardson MEng Click to access Pai-Lin-Li-Award.pdf
Architektur Aktuell, The Art of Building, no. 444, March 2017 “Splendid Isolation #11”, p. 24-26, article by Andrei Gheorghe
WIRED Japan, Vol. 24, 2016